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  • The Laymour Story | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Farm Fresh Eggs Laymour's Backyard Hy-Line Brown Pullets Farm Fresh Eggs 1/7 Dom Laymoura oko 1967 472 Windsor Road VINOGRAD Pat & Alex sa svojim pobjedničkim galoperom "Sprayette" Trkalište Randwick oko 1978 Hawkesbury Show 2004 Alex s prvakom Boer Buckom i "Norebo Basil" (straga) pobjednikom Buck Kid iznad 6 i ispod 12 mjeseci Veliki šampion Sire Caesar Oko 1961. godine Nagrade kinološkog kluba NSW RAS Oko 1960. godine Godine 1957. Alex Schembri i njegova supruga Pat preselili su se iz rodnog grada Brooklyna NSW u donjem dijelu rijeke Hawkesbury u Wentworthville kada su bili angažirani kao tim muža i žene da upravljaju farmom peradi i mrijestilištem pilića na adresi 205 Old Prospect Road. Nakon desetljeća kao uspješni upravitelji farme odlučili su da žele voditi vlastitu farmu peradi i kupili su 25 hektara neizgrađenog zemljišta na Windsor Roadu u Vineyardu NSW kako bi započeli svoj novi pothvat. Putujući svakog vikenda iz Wentworthvillea do svog novog posjeda, neumorno su radili na krčenju gustog grmlja i drveća kako bi pripremili svoju novu kuću. Godine 1965. preselili su se u Vineyard sa svoje troje djece kako bi se nastanili u svojoj potpuno novoj zidanoj kući. ​ Ubrzo nakon što su se smjestili, počeli su planirati svoju farmu peradi. Izgrađeno je jedan po jedan 13 velikih peradarnika. Alex i Pat započeli su novu industriju i postali pioniri uzgoja "početnih kokoši" pri čemu su uzgajali jednodnevne kokoši do točke nošenja za velike komercijalne uzgajivače peradi smještene u različitim područjima diljem Novog Južnog Walesa. ​ Dok su aktivno vodili najveću farmu kokoši u Australiji, Alex i Pat su također posjedovali i vodili Pat-A-Lex uzgajivačnice. Dugi niz godina uzgajali su i pokazivali čistokrvne njemačke ovčare i korgije koji proizvode šampionske štence od, da spomenemo samo neke, šampionskih sinova Braecoole Caesar, Patalex Chieftaina i šampionske kuje Diosme Roxanne. Putovali su na mnoge izložbe pasa i dobili stotine nagrada za svoje pse šampione. Alex i Pat postali su poznati i cijenjeni zbog svog kontinuiranog rada u peradarskoj industriji i nakon 25 godina uzgoja započete kokoši, odlučili su svoju farmu peradi u kavezu pretvoriti u farmu jaja na otvorenom. Uklonili su sve kaveze iz svojih šupa i omogućili im da pasu na otvorenom. Ova promjena poslovanja dovela ih je do toga da su ponovno postali pioniri opskrbljujući jajima otvorenog asortimana tržišnu nišu u glavnim trgovinama zdrave hrane diljem velegradskog Sydneya, uključujući trgovine s hranom Davida Jonesa. ​ U želji da prošire svoju vještinu uzgojem životinja, Alex i Pat odlučili su se okušati u uzgoju i utrkama rasnih konja. Koristeći usluge lokalnih trenera Hawkesburyja, sve su njihove kobile proizvele pobjednika ili dva na mnogim galopskim stazama u provinciji Sydney i NSW. ​ Kako bi dodali raznolikost njihovoj menažeriji, Alexu je pozornost privukla burska koza i odlučio se upustiti u industriju mesnih koza. Trgujući kao farma Norebo, Alex i Pat uspješno su uzgajali i izlagali burske koze. Pobijedili su 1999. u Sydneyskom kraljevskom uskršnjem natjecanju "Nastupno natjecanje kopito i udica" i dobili nagradu Grand Champion Boer Goat. Također su osvojili nagradu Champion Buck na Hawkesbury Showu 2004. te brojne nagrade na drugim regionalnim natjecanjima. ​ Sada u 69. godini zajedno, Alex i Pat i dalje su snažni nakon desetljeća teškog rada baveći se svim vrstama uzgoja životinja i poljoprivrednih aktivnosti. Ovih su dana smanjili svoj posao uzgoja peradi i vode prodavaonicu stočne hrane na Laymour Poultry Farmu koja nudi prijateljsku uslugu vlasnicima peradi u dvorištu. Alex se još uvijek voli baviti uzgojem različitih sorti peradi, ima bogato znanje i iznimno je sretan što može pomoći vlasnicima čoka u održavanju zdravlja i nesenju jaja. Alex i Pat imaju troje djece, sedmero unučadi i 13 praunučadi, svi žive u okrugu Hawkesbury. ​ Alex i Patove raznolike poljoprivredne aktivnosti i interesi uvijek rade ruku pod ruku i učinili su ih uspješnim dvojcem kojem se mnogi ljudi vraćaju da kupe kokoši, čoke, hranu, sjeme za ptice i potrepštine, a da ne spominjemo Alexov stručni savjet kad im zatreba. ​ FOOTNOTE Sadly, at the age of 90, Alex was diagnosed with bowel cancer but he battled on and continued working on his farm until three weeks before he succumbed to the horrible disease on 15th June 2020, one week after his 91st birthday. Alex was a young 91 year old, he loved his work and never missed a beat. Alex is sadly missed by his wife Pat, their family, friends and their loyal customers. Alex and Pat's daughter Susan together with her husband Craig, are keeping Laymour's Poultry and Produce Store open for business-as-usual 6 days a week Alex and Pat would have celebrated their Platinum Wedding Anniversary marking 70 years of marriage on 30th January, 2022 "LAYMOUR" JOŠ JE JAKO NAKON 50 GODINA PRODAJU SE KODI STARE I POČETNE ​ PERAD, HRANA I SJEME

  • Omlet | Laymour Poultry Farm

    SHOP FOR YOUR PET OMLET Chicken Products OMLET Cat Products OMLET Dog Products OMLET Rabbit Products OMLET Bird Products OMLET Guinea Pig Products

  • Bird Seed | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Budgie Blue Canaryseed (50%), White French Millet, Panorama, Jap Millet, Panicum, Shirohie Millet, Red Panicum and/or Hulled Oats 50% canary makes this mix the favourite of top budgerigar breeders 20kg bags Cockatiel Blue Canaryseed, White French Millet, Grey Striped Sunflower, Jap Millet, Panorama, Shirohie Millet, Safflower and/or Hulled Oats More Canaryseed and bigger range of millets 4kg and 20kg bags Parrot Blue Grey Striped Sunflower, Oats, Cracked Corn, White French Millet, Wheat, Safflower, Panorama, Banana Chips, Peanuts, Paw-Paw, pineapple and/or sultanas A treat for all parrots or a base mix for larger varieties 20kg bags Troppo Blue Grey Stripe Sunflower, Safflower, banana chips, raw peanuts, almonds, peanuts in shell, coconut chips, pawpaw, pineapple, Snow White Pumpkin Seeds, chillis, dried mango and/or dried apple A great fruit and nut medley to treat all parrot types 20kg bags Finch Blue Equal parts White French Millet, Canaryseed, Jap Millet, Panicum and/or Red Panicum No black oilseeds, more canaryseed, more red panicum Avigrain use panicum not panorama 20kg bags Budgie Green White French Millet, Panorama, Canaryseed(20%), Jap Millet, Panicum, Shirohie Millet, Red Panicum and/or Hulled Oats Sets The Standard 4kg and 20kg bags Canary Mix Avigrain Canary Mix is a complete mix, suitable for canaries and similar small birds This premium canary mix contains Canaryseed, Hulled Oats, White French Millet, Panorama, Jap Millet, Panicum, Canola, Linseed, Shirohie Millet and Red Panicum Millet It is a great quality stock because of the high percentage (70%) of canaryseed Features: • Rich in carbohydrates • Contains fibre • Highly palatable • Contains healthy fats Finch Mix Equal parts White French Millet, Canaryseed, Jap Millet, Panicum and/or Red Panicum No black oilseeds, more canaryseed, more red panicum and Avigrain use panicum not panorama 20kg bags Peachface Mix White French Millet, Grey Striped Sunflower, Canaryseed, Hulled Oats and/or Safflower Avigrain's gold-plated best seller Recommended and suitable for all parrots 20kg bags Pigeon Mix Wheat, Sorghum, Corn, Dun Peas and/or Safflower A stock or maintenance mix for pigeon fanciers 4kg and 20kg bags Sorghum 100% Sorghum Milo Sorghum can be fed as the sole grain component to pigs and poultry of all ages For growing meat chickens, sorghum can be used as the sole grain if there is adequate choline and methionine present in the diet 20kg bags Dun Peas Dun Peas are a popular ingredient in various pigeon seed mixes Dun peas have high levels of the essential amino acids, lysine and tryptophan, which are usually low in cereal grains 20kg bags Cocky Mix Wheat, Grey Stripe Sunflower, Oats, Cracked Corn, Sorghum, White French Millet and/or Safflower Coarse grain based mix for the large parrot types 4kg and 20kg bags Small Parrot Mix White French Millet, Grey Striped Sunflower, Cracked Corn, Oats, Wheat, Canaryseed and/or Safflower A wide variety of small seeds and coarse grains makes this suitable for neophemas up to the largest parrots 4kg and 20kg bags Wild Bird Mix Wheat, sorghum, corn, oats, black sunflower, peas, safflower, grey sunflower and/or millet ‘for the rebel in your backyard’ Attracts seed eating wild birds 4kg and 20kg bags Grey Striped Sunflower Rich in Vitamin E & B-complex vitamins. Can be fed up to 20% of your bird’s daily diet Grey Stripe has lower oil and fat content than black sunflower and is better for inactive and caged birds Too much sunflower seed, black or grey stripe is not healthy Suitable for poultry and bird feed Feed in moderation Available in 3kg and 15kg bags Black Sunflower Seed Black sunflower is higher in oil than grey striped sunflower so is more suited to poultry, wild birds or birds that have more room to fly around As sunflower seeds are very oily, it is recommended to only feed in very small quantities 15kg bags Safflower Safflower is a favourite of almost all seed-eating birds, they will happily fill up on this premium oil sunflower bird seed Safflower is a small, white seed that is high in protein and fat Sunflower-eating birds love Safflower, blackbirds – not so much 20kg bags Black Parrot A high energy 18% protein food formulated to provide the necessary nutritional requirements of breeding and growing birds It can also be used as a conditioning food for birds that have trouble maintaining weight or to rectify nutritional problems such as poor feathering Breed & Grow 18% is balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals eliminating the necessity to feed expensive supplements Breed & Grow 18% is manufactured as 2.7mm diameter micro pellets Black Parrot Breed & Grow 18% contains fish oil and turmeric. Fish oil is a rich source of essential omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA which support joint, cellular, feather and skin health. Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin which has been shown to have beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects Feed Black Parrot Breed & Grow 18% ad lib. as the sole diet, along with Black Parrot Chews 17% or as a supplement to a grain or fruit based diet Birds that have been raised exclusively on seed based diets may take a while to become accustomed to the different appearance and texture of pellets. The best way to introduce pellets is to add them to the usual diet and slowly increase the pelleted portion while restricting the amount of their usual food. This may take two to four weeks or even longer for older birds As with all diets, it is extremely important fresh water is available at all times 20kg bags Lorikeet Dry Food This complete Lorikeet feed can be fed dry or wet. Suitable for all Lorikeets Always ensure there is a fresh water supply for your bird and replace the lorikeet mix daily Contains the following: rice pops, Bakers Meal, Rice Flour, Soya Flour, bread crumbs, vanilla flavour, dextrose, calcium powder, complete multi vitamin 2kg and 20kg bags White French Millet Millets are annual grasses and are some of the oldest of cultivated crops. The term millet is applied to various grass crops whose seeds are harvested for food or for animal feed Millets are rich in carbohydrate and low in fibre Nutritionally they are very similar to each other and as such are substitutable in birdseed mixes 4kg and 20kg bags Canola (Rape Seed) Canola bird seed is used as an ingredient in the diet of a variety of small birds including, finches, canaries & quail Canola bird seed is also known as rapeseed and is used to feed a variety of small birds including, finches, canaries & quail Must be used in conjunction with other seed for a complete diet 20kg bags Cracked Corn Corn or maize is used in the diet of poultry, pigs, sheep and horses Corn tends to be lower in protein but a higher energy source than other grains It is cracked or ground to improve digestibility 4kg and 20kg bags Corn Avigrain Whole Corn is nutritious for many birds and chickens Many ground-feeding birds such as doves and native sparrows take cracked corn and whole kernels are appreciated by chicken, ducks, geese, jays, crows and cranes 20kg bags Wheat High-quality wheat, suitable for poultry, pigeons and parrots Wheat grains are very popular for feeding chickens and pigeons especially Also for use in heat packs 20kg bags

  • Miscellanous & Gifts | Laymour Poultry Farm

    AniWood Rocky Point AniWood Wood Shavings is an ideal animal bedding in the equestrian, poultry and pet industries due to their hygienic nature, high absorbency and slow break down rate Made from kiln dried, untreated plantation pine timber, this makes them a safe and sustainable choice for your pets AniWood has been screened and dust extracted making them a soft, comfortable material for your animals to bed on AniWood Wood Shavings have an all-natural pine odour, they minimise caking and sticking to sides of animal pens AniStraw Rocky Point AniStraw is a clean, hygienic and long lasting sustainable choice of animal bedding Give your four, two and no legged friends the creature comfort they deserve AniStraw is also ideal to be used on the garden as it will break down naturally or try it in your home compost EF-PNET-25M Electric Poultry Fence with Gate Secure easy access gate included in this fence design Easily moved, making it a portable chicken yard 9 double pronged tread-in posts Great for poultry safety Great for small animal and pet containment Length: 25m Roll Height: 1.25m U.V. Treated Plastics Energisers SOLAR-2 ENERGISER - The new SOLAR-2 has a built in rechargeable battery Powers up to 1.5km of fence Pulse Operation Light, Compact and very portable, easy and fast to set up, earth and fence leads supplied Solar-2 uses a NiMH battery that can be left flat for long periods of time without being damaged. If the battery is flat, simply place it in the sun for a few minutes and it will start to operate Super effective solar to battery system only requires 3 hours of sun a day Also available B5 – BATTERY PET ENERGISER Designed to be safe enough for domestic pets including dogs and cats and other small animals, providing a low shock on contact to deter them from entering the area Catching Hook Specially designed tool to catch chickens efficiently and safely Made of stainless steel Features a hand grip for stability Length 1.16m Chicken Crate 81.5(L)x61.5(W)x27(H) cm Heavy duty plastic chicken carry crates for moving chickens Excellent ventilation for safe transport Easy to assemble and clean Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Leg Rings Random colours - $1 each spiral band Easily identify your flock by different coloured leg rings or keep track of your breeds or different aged birds by keeping records using the numbers on the snap-on bands Easy to fit Smooth SPIRAL RINGS, attach by twisting or winding around the chickens leg similarly to how you would put a key on a key ring NUMBERED SNAP-ON LEG BANDS, open and position around leg then simply press firmly to lock. Available in packs of 80 and random numbers Plastic CANARY LEG BANDS with applicator are great for identifying newly purchased birds or sexing young birds ready to leave the nest etc Neither of these rings cause any pain or irritation to the bird Fake Eggs Use to encourage chickens to lay their eggs in a particular place They can also be used under broody chickens to encourage them to sit and incubate other eggs or even to raise day old chicks Plastic Scoops Green Scoop Section - 24.5cm Long x 15.5cm With x10.5Cm High Orange 30cm long Shell Grit Calcium is an essential nutrient and is important for laying hens so they will produce eggs with strong shells, Shell Grit is a source of calcium Insufficient intake of shell grit makes hens likely to lay thin-shelled or soft-shelled eggs Give your chickens shell-grit in a separate container, DO NOT MIX it with their regular laying pellets If laying hens aren't getting enough calcium, they draw the mineral from their bones which will lead to skeletal issues and other health problems PIGEON GRIT is a supplement to pigeon's usual feed and meets the need for extra calcium, stomach grit and minerals Suitable for racing, show and other pigeons, it has added charcoal and an additive which makes the grit more attractive to pigeons and giving it its pinkish colour Redstone is an important ingredient used in various pigeon grit mixes, it is made from clay baked at high temperatures Lamb Teats The teat on the EXCAL LAMB FEEDER BOTTLE is heavier-duty than the lamb feeding version The teat is longer and thicker to ensure longer life under heavy use. The bottle is lightweight 1-litre capacity with 30mm cap Air inlet is via the small valve in the handle cavity, which can also be used to control the milk flow if desired BLACK LATEX TEATS are slightly firmer, but will last longer Hollow-cone tip to be cut off at desired milk flow rate. Teats pull easily over normal 28mm neck soft drink bottles No air inlet on teat REPLACEMENT LAMB FEEDER TEATS 6-PK Six pull-through teats (three each side) of a soft, natural rubber Teats incorporate a plastic non-return valve to reduce blow-back and assist feeding of weak lambs 20 litre Buckets $12 Fixed Price 20lt brand new, unused buckets Tamper evident lids Food Grade PP 100% recyclable Poultry Manure Dry poultry litter is great for the garden. Many different types of plants benefit from being fertilized with chicken manure Chicken manure can also be used to fertilize fruit trees, such as apples and citrus. Bagged chicken manure can be applied any time, trees and shrubs are usually fertilized in spring Poultry manure contains more nutrients than cow manure Spread evenly across the garden, using a garden pitch fork to mix the chicken compost through the garden soil Do not put too close to the stem (base) of the plant Thoroughly water the manure well into the soil Cover garden with a good thick layer of mulch Cat Litter Made in Australia, Breeders Choice is highly absorbent with natural odour control, ensuring your house smells clean and fresh and because it's made from paper, water and air, it’s soft and safe for all paws Excellent absorption Lightweight 99% recycled paper Excellent odour control 100% biodegradable Contains no additives or chemicals 15lt and 30lt bags Sweet Pure Honey 50g jars of delicious all natural honey produced in the Hawkesbury region Packaged in glass jars, so as to minimise the environmental footprint of the product Sample Nature’s goodness from creatures who are responsible for one in three pieces of food that we eat through their symbiotic relationship with our flora Rusty Garden Ornaments A unique decor for your garden and pot plants Suitable for outdoors, the natural rust will darken and deepen over time, especially when left outside or they can be sealed (by clear lacquer or special wax) to prevent further rusting and to prevent from oxidation Rooster Weathervane stake 1830mm high Horse Weathervane stake 1830mm high Armillary Stake 600mm high Rooster Stake 533mm high Bird with leaf stake 520mm high Dragonfly Stake 520mm high Large Rabbit with screw base 430mm high Mama Rabbit with screw base 228mm high Egg Collecting Bag Seven pockets for easy egg collection Fabric lining protects eggs and prevents cracking Made of high-quality canvas for durability Great gift idea for backyard chicken farmers, kids will want to collect the eggs with one of these Chicken design varies Ceramic Chicken Egg Basket These wire egg baskets are made of high-quality iron and ceramic for good durability and long service life Creates a country feeling and looks great when positioned on the kitchen benchtop The storage basket is suitable for storing fruits, eggs, vegetables, etc Great for gift giving

  • Nests | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Single Wood Nest Made from structural grade exterior plywood. Sourced from renewable resources Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Double Wood Nest Made from structural grade exterior plywood. Sourced from renewable resources Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Triple Wood Nest Made from structural grade exterior plywood. Sourced from renewable resources Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Quad Wood Nest Made from structural grade exterior plywood. Sourced from renewable resources Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Nest on Legs Made from structural grade exterior plywood. Sourced from renewable resources Legs added to make this a free-standing nest Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Rollaway Nests Can be attached to a wall. Nest Box does not have a back DOUBLE $100 Width 55cm Depth 33cm Height 32-43cm TRIPLE $130 Width 80cm Depth 33cm Height 32-43cm Made of 0.5 mm high quality hot-dip galvanized sheet and a plastic base step-on perch Easy cleaning, removable tray, rollout egg floor Eggs roll when the nest box is attached to a wall due to the angle of the rear of the box Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Chicken Nest Station We have a range of chicken nests All assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Bird Nest Station We have a range of small bird nests and nesting material Peachface Nest 16x17.5x24cm High Cockatiel Nest Box size 200 x 210 x 300mm Funnel measurement 115x115x115mm Budgie Nest 23.5x14.5x14cm high Gouldian Nest 13.5x15x13cm high Finch Nest Chipboard 20.5x12.5x12cm high Cane 12 x 15cm Canary Nests Fix to wall or with hanging wire 11.4cm Bird Nest Coconut Fibre Nesting material Ideal for canaries and finches Large Bird Nest Feathers Sterilized nest feathers Ideal nesting material for canaries and finches Large 15g

  • Stockfeed & Pet Treats | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Dogpro True Value A nutritionally complete dry dog food specially formulated to promote the health and wellbeing of all domestic ADULT dogs Laymour has found that this product has been the answer for our customers who have fussy-eating dogs and now they won’t buy anything else It contains all the body building proteins, amino acids and minerals essential for maintaining your dog’s good health and wellbeing with its special combination of vitamins, minerals, meat and vegetable proteins helping to promote a healthy canine metabolism Contains Omega 6 which help maintain a healthy skin & lustrous shiny coat associated with a healthy adult dog Complete & Balanced Nutrition with Essential Vitamins and Minerals, formulated for the less active family adult dogs 16% protein - repairs tissue & builds muscles 8% fat - energy & stamina Bark & Beyond Dog Treats Bark and Beyond is an innovative manufacturer of premium pet treats located in the Hawkesbury Valley using locally sourced ingredients and supporting local farmers Choose from a variety of beef, lamb, kangaroo, chicken, pork and goat Bark & Beyond treats contain no preservatives, no additives and no fillers, keeping them natural and affordable Perfect Pecker Olsson's Perfect Pecker encourages the natural pecking and foraging instinct of poultry and other birds It is naturally nutritious, containing natural shell grit and blackstrap molasses, as well as vitamins and minerals Perfect Pecker includes vitamins A, D3, E, K, B1 and B2, B6, B12, folic acid, biotin, as well as minerals including phosphorus, sodium, cobalt, copper, iron, iodine, zinc and selenium 1kg block Dried Mealworms “Chocolate For Chooks”® 100% natural Dried Mealworms are 53% protein and packed full of vitamins and high-grade edible oils Feed mealworms to your chickens in moderation, one or two beaks full, twice a week is more than enough as the protein content of a mealworm is high You will find this high quality, high energy treat will be a welcome addition to your chicken's diet Although you can buy live mealworms, dried mealworms are just as good with the added benefit of easy and long-lasting storage Not recommended for feeding to baby chicks Use as a treat at the end of the day to get them back in their yard, they’ll be waiting for you and their treat Laymour Sheep & Goat Mix Laymour customers can't get enough of our special blend for sheep and goats A recipe handed down from Alex Schembri for a mix that continues to please day after day, week after week Salt-Licks $4/kg A wide assortment of animals, primarily herbivores such as deer, rabbits, sheep, goats, horses and cattle can have access to salt licks to get essential nutrients like calcium magnesium, sodium and zinc This Himalayan Rock Salt is literally 'rock hard' which means animals are unable to bite chunks off, they can lick it as they need it and it encourages water intake A low quantity of rock salt is advisable if giving to birds but birds are unlikely to consume harmful amounts of salt anyway Chunk sizes vary from small nuggets up to 7kg blocks Black Parrot Chews 17% A 17% protein general purpose parrot breeder and maintenance food manufactured in large nut form to provide a novelty treat for parrots to chew and play with Chews are formulated to provide the necessary nutritional requirements of adult birds and are suitable for both breeding parrots and as a general maintenance diet Parrot Chews 17% are balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals eliminating the necessity to feed expensive supplements Black Parrot Chews 17% are manufactured as club shaped nuts Black Parrot Chews 17% contain fish oil and turmeric. Fish oil is a rich source of essential omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA which support joint, cellular, feather and skin health. Turmeric contains the active ingredient curcumin which has been shown to have beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects Black Parrot Chews 17% can be fed ad lib. as the sole diet or along with Black Parrot Breed & Grow 18%, Black Parrot Adult 15% or Black Parrot Small Bird Food. They can also be fed as a nutritious supplement to a grain or fruit-based diet Birds that have been raised exclusively on seed-based diets may take a while to become accustomed to the different appearance and texture of pellets. The best way to introduce pellets is to add them to the usual diet and slowly increase the pelleted portion while restricting the amount of their usual food. This may take two to four weeks or even longer for older birds As with all diets, it is extremely important fresh water is available at all times Oaten Hay Available in small bags and large bales. Small bags prevent the mess a bale can create Oaten hay on average 31% fibre, 10% protein and 0.4% calcium Oaten hay is especially good for overweight or picky rabbits Feed to Guinea Pigs in moderation Racehorse Bran Unique rice and rice bran formulation, pelleted to ensure optimum digestibility and minimise digestive upsets This bran is also an ideal medim for growing mealworms in Flaky Bran is the seed coat or outer layer of a cereal grain. Courser than normal bran Typically high in phosphorus and low in calcium A very palatable rich source of fibre and vitamin B Should not be fed in excessive amounts due to its extremely high phosphorus content (no more than 500 grams per day) Excessive phosphorus in the horse’s diet can inhibit calcium absorption Cool Horse & Pony The best value for cool & calm nutrition! Cool Horse & Pony is a cool, nutritious and palatable horse food that can be fed to horses performing active strenuous work, pregnant and lactating mares, young growing horses and as a maintenance food for spelling and aged horses Pig Grower Pellets A quality pig grower food formulated to be fed to growing pigs from 10 weeks of age. It is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients to ensure strong, healthy growth, economical feed conversion and high lean meat yield Feed Pig Grower Pellets ad lib. from 10 weeks of age until market or alternatively go onto Pig Finisher Pellets at 18 weeks and feed through to market WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material, DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Pig Finisher Pellets A quality pig finisher food formulated to be fed to growing pigs from 18 weeks of age. It is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients to ensure strong, healthy growth, economical feed conversion and high lean meat yield Feed Pig Finisher Pellets ad lib. from 18 weeks of age to market WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material, DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Alpaca Blend-Dual Purpose A nutritious food formulated to be fed to growing and lactating alpacas and llamas and is also an ideal diet for maintenance Alpaca Blend is a mix of grains and pellets coated in molasses and vegetable oil Generally an alpaca’s total daily feed consumption will be between 1.2% to 1.5% of body weight for maintenance, 1.5% to 2.5% growing, 1.5% to 2% late gestation and 1.5% to 3% during lactation. The level of blend fed will vary depending on a number of factors such as body weight and condition, pregnancy, lactation (level of milk production), activity and quality of the roughage being fed. The portion of blend fed will generally vary between 10% and 75% of total daily feed intake. Roughage is an important part of their daily intake and must be available at all times Introduce Alpaca Blend gradually and avoid sudden changes to diet as digestive problems may occur. If digestive problems occur reduce the amount of blend being fed and increase roughage consumption until normal digestive activity returns When feeding alpacas and llamas be aware that they are prone to choke if they consume food too quickly. Feed in a manner that will slow their rate of consumption DUAL PURPOSE Alpaca Blend is a well-balanced nutritious food that can be fed to other ruminants such as sheep, cattle, goats and deer Goat Blend-Dual Purpose A nutritious food formulated to be fed to growing and lactating goats and is also an ideal diet for maintenance Goat Blend is a mix of grains and pellets coated in molasses and vegetable oil The feeding rate of Goat Blend will vary depending on a number of factors such as body weight and condition, pregnancy, lactation (level of milk production), activity and quality of the roughage being fed Generally total daily feed consumption, including roughage, will be between 2% to 3.5% of body weight Consumption of Goat Blend will generally be between 10% and 75% of the total feed consumed Introduce Goat Blend gradually and avoid sudden changes to diet as digestive problems may occur. If digestive problems occur reduce the amount of blend being fed and increase roughage consumption until normal digestive activity returns DUAL PURPOSE Goat Blend is a well-balanced nutritious food that can be fed to other ruminants such as cattle and deer Roughage and clean, fresh water must be available at all times WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product does not contain restricted animal material Sheep Nuts-Dual Purpose Formulated to be fed to sheep to maintain body weight and condition in situations where forage quality and/or quantity is limiting The feeding rate of Sheep Nuts will vary depending on a number of factors such as body weight and condition, pregnancy, lactation (level of milk production), activity and quality of the roughage being fed Generally Sheep Nuts would be fed between 0.5% to 2% of body weight per day along with ad lib. roughage Introduce Sheep Nuts gradually and avoid sudden changes to diet as digestive problems may occur. If digestive problems occur reduce the amount of nuts being fed and increase roughage consumption until normal digestive activity returns DUAL PURPOSE Sheep Nuts can be fed to cattle Roughage and clean, fresh water must be available at all times Stock Nuts Formulated to be fed to a range of ruminants as follows: Cattle (beef & dairy), sheep, goats, deer and camelids (alpacas & llamas). They are designed to cover the nutritional requirements of pregnancy, lactation and growth from approximately three months of age and are also an ideal diet for maintenance The feeding rate of Stock Nuts will vary depending on a number of factors such as body weight and condition, pregnancy, lactation (level of milk production), activity and quality of the roughage being fed Generally the total daily feed consumption, including roughage, will be between 2% to 3.5% of body weight for cattle, sheep, goats and deer. Alpacas and llamas consume less, being approximately 1.2% to 2.5% of body weight Consumption of Stock Nuts will generally be between 10% and 75% of the total feed consumed Introduce Stock Nuts gradually and avoid sudden changes to diet as digestive problems may occur. If digestive problems occur reduce the amount of nuts being fed and increase roughage consumption until normal digestive activity returns When feeding alpacas and llamas be aware they are prone to choke if they consume food too quickly. Feed in a manner that will slow their rate of consumption Rat & Mouse Food *SPECIAL ORDER ONLY* A highly nutritious diet formulated to be fed to growing and breeding rats and mice and as a maintenance diet for pets. It is manufactured in square nut form to aid in the reduction of feed wastage The diet is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals to ensure strong growth, health and vitality Soybean Meal Soybean meal is a good stockfeed supplement at 48% protein. It is high in amino acids and can be very beneficial for horses & ponies Nearly 98% of the world's soybean meal ends up in animal feed primarily to supplement the diets of farm-raised pigs and poultry Rabbit & Guinea Pig Mix A complete food that requires no other supplementary feeding. This nutritionally balanced and palatable food contains lucerne and cereal chaff for healthy digestive activity and vitamin C which is an essential nutrient for guinea pigs Feed ad lib. along with cool clean fresh water Do not make sudden changes in diet as digestive problems may occur Grass and hay may be fed along with Ol’ Jacks Pet Mix if desired 10kg bags Vella Rabbit & Guinea Pig Pellets A high-quality rabbit and guinea pig food for a well-balanced diet, high in lucerne for good nutrition and high palatability. It has been formulated to suit all breeds of domestic rabbits and guinea pigs This specially formulated pellet with added Vitamin C is suited to all breeds of domestic rabbits and guinea pigs, it contains a natural coccidiostat, probiotics, prebiotics, natural betaine (to provide support during times of stress), added vitamins and antioxidants and is free from restricted animal materials Lactating animals may require additional protein to assist with milk production with the inclusion of high-quality hay and greens

  • Laymour Poultry Farm | Vineyard | Chooks

    Pregledajte naše kartice proizvoda ili kliknite na donje veze kako biste vidjeli asortiman nekih zaliha u našoj prodavaonici proizvoda Kontaktirajte nas ako ne možete vidjeti ono što tražite i rado ćemo vam to nabaviti Hvala vam Live Poultry Poultry Feed Bird Seed Stockfeed & Pet Treats The Hay Shed Medicine & Wellbeing Incubators & Heating Brooders & Cages Feeders Drinkers Nests Egg Cartons Traps & Baits Miscellaneous & Gifts

  • Drinkers | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Drink-O-Matic Always clean drinking water available in this 12lt nipple bucket. Great on hot days if a bottle of frozen water is placed in bucket to keep water cool Adjustable suspension hanger included, 3 niples in base The nipples are easily operated by various-size chicks or poultry Suitable for all poultry and rabbits Dimensions: 32cm diameter x 39cm high Made in Holland Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Drink-O-Matic Ideal for small chicks, they discover from day one where their water supply is Easy-to-refill bottle thanks to hinged lid Leak-free nipple keeps the litter clean and dry Supplied with mounting clip to attach inside or outside the cage and is height adjustable Made in Holland Plastic Tankstand 31 litre translucent plastic to quickly check fill levels Fills from the top with a removable lid for easy filling and easy cleaning Elevated from the ground to reduce contamination High capacity drinker, perfect for when you're away for extended times Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Plastic Tripod 31 litre raised bowl to reduce contamination High capacity drinker, perfect for when you're away for extended times Easy to fill or carry with removable vacuum sealed screw top lid Features a stopper to shut off water supply Already assembled at Laymour for no extra cost Ballast Low Pressure Bell Drinker Big suspension waterer working on the ballasting principle As water is taken, the load lightens and the valve system lets water in again This waterer is ideal for up to 300 chicks, 150 layers or as a home-breeder waterer Adjustable water level 10mm water connection Dish diameter is 37cm and height is 55cm overall Crown Delivery Line Assy As supplied with Crown auto-fill drinkers Comprising 1.5mt delivery tube with connector-nut one end and pipe-connector on the other The pipe-connector also incorporates an on/off valve Suitable for connection on any 15mm or 20mm water pipe Plastic Drinkers 1lt, 4lt and 8lt sleeve style plastic drinkers Remove base, tip drinker upside down, add water, re-attach base, turn upright and use Includes a wire handle and can be hung when necessary UV Treated Plastic Drinker with legs 4 litre sleeve style plastic drinker with built-in extendable legs to raise the drinker off the ground, two heights to select from Alternatively, the drinker can sit at ground level having the ability to fold the legs under the drinker Includes a wire handle and can be hung when necessary Remove base, tip drinker upside down, add water, re-attach base, turn upright and use UV stabilised Stainless Steel Drinker 5 litre high grade 304 stainless steel to prevent rust Cheaper imitations are made from 201 stainless steel and contain manganese which is a lower grade stainless steel and when used long-term in wet or salty air, those drinkers will rust however, 304 grade stainless steel will not rust Stainless Steel Drinker 9 litre high grade 304 stainless steel to prevent rust Cheaper imitations are made from 201 stainless steel and contain manganese which is a lower grade stainless steel and when used long-term in wet or salty air, those drinkers will rust however, 304 grade stainless steel will not rust 2-Piece Water Bottle Drinker 15 litre bottle suitable for large poultry, cats, dogs and other pets Simply fill bottle with water, fit the base over opening of upright bottle then flip complete 2-piece set over to stand on stainless steel base Replacement Bottles Spare new and used 15 litre bottles available PVC Pipe Nipple Waterer 5 litre waterer suitable for chicks, chickens, pigeons, quail, ducks, geese and all other birds Red cups are made from quality material with stainless springs Fit to wall, hanging brackets supplied Water stays clean Can be custom made to measure Style of nipple cup may vary Portable Nipple Drinker Convenient 15 litre portable waterer with two nipples Position or hang at a height that the chickens can easily reach the nipples Do not position too low as they will be unable to get to the water Auto Fill Drinker with float 20 litre, fully automatic waterer when you connect your garden hose to the float valve installed on the side of this bucket Eliminates the need to keep checking the water level When water drops to a certain level, the bucket auto-fills Gives you peace-of-mind when you're away for extended times Style of nipple cup may vary Plastic Float Valve Auto-fill water when level drops to a certain level, gives you peace-of-mind control Suitable for use on pool, spa, water tank, water trough for livestock, etc Suits ABD10, ABD20 and ABD30 auto drinkers Easy to install Auto Hose Extension This 1.5 metre hose with fittings is used to attach to the ABD10, ABD20 and ABD30 automatic drinkers to taps Includes all required fittings to attach ABD10 - 2.5lt S/Steel Auto Driner with Float High quality Italian plastic float assembly Release valve in base 2.5lt capacity ABD20 - 5lt Nylon Auto Drinker with Float High quality Italian plastic float assembly Release valve in base 5.0lt capacity ABD30 - 9lt Nylon Auto Drinker with Float Stainless Steel cover over float assembly High quality Italian plastic float assembly Release valve in base 9.0lt capacity 25mm Nipple Drinking Cups Each time the chicken pecks the nipple, water drips into their mouth automatically The cup keeps the water from dropping onto the floor, so it stays dry and clean This type of nipple system provides clean water Use for chickens, broilers, quail etc Watertight, easy to use and install Auto Nipple Cups Float Style 1/8" thread use a 3/8" drill, sealing screw cap and gasket Suitable for chicks, chickens, pigeons, quail, ducks, geese and other birds Made from quality material with stainless spring Durable and sturdy Red Nipple Waterer 360° high-quality stainless-steel nipple, rust proof Chicks learn from day one to drink from these nipples Suitable for ducks and chickens of all ages Bayonet Spring Nipple Drinker Valve opening - water drips when chickens peck at the nipple 360° nipple style design Connect to PVC pipe or water container Watertight, quick and easy to install No need for glue 23cm Drinking Trough Transform empty bottles into convenient waterers Fits most plastic soft drink containers Suitable for adult poultry Ideal for dispensing correct dosage of wormers, coccidiosis solutions and all other soluble medications Simple to assemble, just fill your preferred bottle with water and attach it to the base Autralian Made - Recycled Plastic

  • Egg Cartons | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Egg cartons 1 dozen eggs (12) Medium and Jumbo No printing or labels, completely void of any writing or pictures Sold bulk or loose 1 dozen capacity Medium sized egg cartons: Bundle of 190 Jumbo sized egg cartons: Bundle of 170 We will split a bundle for people wanting to purchase less or even a single carton Egg trays 2.5 dozen eggs (30) Sold bulk or loose 2.5 dozen capacity Egg trays to hold 2.5 dozen eggs (30) Available in bundles of 90 trays per bundle. We will split bundles for people wanting to purchase less or even a single tray

  • Live Poultry | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Hy-Line Brown Point of Lay Pullets The Hy-Line Brown is an incredibly popular chicken choice with backyard chicken owners mainly because of their friendly nature, their large brown eggs and their economical feed consumption They are the world’s most balanced egg layer, laying close to an egg a day for AT LEAST two years but they must eat a high protein feed to achieve this result. Our "Sure To Please" Layer Pellets with the ideal level of 16% protein is the perfect feed for laying birds. The Hy-Line Browns will lay after two years but you may notice they begin to lay less eggs after 3-4 years of ages The Hy-Line Brown has a calm temperament, excellent feather retention, robust egg shells and persistent production, making them the perfect choice for free range environments They are ideal for backyard environments, they're great pets and their quiet and placid nature makes them the ideal child-friendly chicken You'll never need to shop for eggs again when you have Hy-Line Brown chickens in your own back yard Day-Old Chicks - next batch available 09.10.24 (taking orders now) Please contact us to place an order for day-old female and vaccinated Hy-Line Brown chicks Baby chicks require heat 24 hours per day for the first six weeks of their life, we have several heating options available for purchase Feed them chick starter crumble for the first six weeks then introduce them to pullet grower for the next 10 weeks, at this time (16 weeks of age) they can commence eating layer pellets Your chickens will commence laying when they are 18-22 weeks old Ensure they have food and clean water AT ALL TIMES Chick Raising Supplies We stock everything you'll require to get started with raising baby chicks Our favourite product is the All-in-one Brooder Kit, it has a clear cover which allows children to easily and safely view their baby chicks at any time. It comes complete with a feed dish - waterer - floor liners - light/heat lamp with dimmer - thermometer - 50w ceramic heat lamp Medium $145 58.2cm W x 39.6cm D x 42.1cm H suits up to 12 chicks depending on age/size of chick Large $180 78.2cm W x 39.6cm D x 42.1cm H suits up to 20 chicks depending on age/size of chick We also recommend chick heating plates that similate the warmth from mother hen, available in sizes: 25cm x 25cm warms up to 20 chicks 30cm x 30cm warms up to 25 chicks 40cm x 40cm warms up to 35 chicks 60cm x 40cm warms up to 55 chicks The height can be adjusted to suit the size of your growing chicks and covers are an optional extra. The temperature-controllable element is totally encased in plastic for safe operation and their low wattage makes them economical to run We also stock infrared and ceramic heating lamps Broilers (no longer available) Broilers are bred and raised specifically for meat production They are fast growing and can be ready for processing between four to six weeks of age, depending on the breed

  • Poultry Feed | Laymour Poultry Farm

    Layer Pellets Easy-to-carry 15kg bag A high-quality commercial layer feed, formulated to be fed to layer hens ad lib. along with clean, cool, fresh water. It is nutritionally balanced for energy, essential amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and minerals essential to egg production. Natural pigments derived from marigold and paprika are utilised to ensure a vibrant yolk colour MOULTING & DAY LENGTH Laying hens have a natural response to day length which can result in reduced production around the shortest days of the year (Winter). In some circumstances laying may stop all together and hens will go into a moult. During a moult a hen will stop laying, shed large amounts of feathers and grow new feathers. As the day length increases and the moult finishes the hen will normally begin a new cycle of egg production It is possible to limit loss of production due to short day length by using artificial lighting in the hen house to create a constant day length (approximately 16 hours). Using a simple timer, lights can be turned on and off automatically Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for poultry, do not feed to any other species of animal. This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) ME Poultry (min) 2750 kcal/kg Protein (min) 16.0 % Fat (min) 4.0 % Fibre (max) 6.0 % Available Lysine (min) 0.7 % Available Methionine (min) 0.35 % Linoleic acid (min) 1.3 % Calcium (min) 4.3 % Available Phosphorus (min) 0.36 % (ME metabolisable energy) Layer Pellets Regular 20kg bag A high-quality commercial layer feed, formulated to be fed to layer hens ad lib. along with clean, cool, fresh water. It is nutritionally balanced for energy, essential amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins and minerals essential to egg production. Natural pigments derived from marigold and paprika are utilised to ensure a vibrant yolk colour MOULTING & DAY LENGTH Laying hens have a natural response to day length which can result in reduced production around the shortest days of the year (Winter). In some circumstances laying may stop all together and hens will go into a moult. During a moult a hen will stop laying, shed large amounts of feathers and grow new feathers. As the day length increases and the moult finishes the hen will normally begin a new cycle of egg production It is possible to limit loss of production due to short day length by using artificial lighting in the hen house to create a constant day length (approximately 16 hours). Using a simple timer, lights can be turned on and off automatically Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for poultry, do not feed to any other species of animal. This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) ME Poultry (min) 2750 kcal/kg Protein (min) 16.0 % Fat (min) 4.0 % Fibre (max) 6.0 % Available Lysine (min) 0.7 % Available Methionine (min) 0.35 % Linoleic acid (min) 1.3 % Calcium (min) 4.3 % Available Phosphorus (min) 0.36 % (ME metabolisable energy) Refill Buckets Convenient 10kg & 15kg buckets Just like the 15kg and 20kg bags of “Sure to Please” Layer Pellets but the feed is in a bucket with a lid and holds 15kg of feed These buckets are ideal for storing your layer pellets or any other feed or product you desire The bucket prevents vermin from contaminating the feed as well as assisting to help the environment with no bags to dispose of Bring the bucket back for refills and you only have to pay for the product, another cost saver for you and it’s convenient! Egg Boosta Chooks not laying? Then remove all their food and let them eat the complete contents of a 3kg bag of Egg Boosta until completely finished, then resume feeding Laymour's "Sure To Please" 16% layer pellets Be sure to feed NOTHING ELSE but water until the contents of the bag are finished Eggs will once again be plentiful! Red Hen 17 Premium Layer A premium quality layer and breeder food formulated to be fed to all classes of laying poultry As with all chicken feed, ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This product contains restricted animal material, DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 17.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 8.0% Calcium (min) 4.3% Linoleic Acid (min) 1.2% Salt (max added) 0.35% Showbird Breeder MP (micro pellet) A premium quality layer food that has been formulated to fill the additional nutritional requirements of breeding poultry This diet can be used for all types of poultry including ducks, geese, turkeys and game birds Showbird Breeder MP is the ideal layer food for breeding and non-breeding layers where high egg production is to be maintained This high specification diet is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals necessary for high production, fertility and hatchability NO GRIND MICRO PELLETS Showbird Breeder MP is made in micro pellet form to aid in consumption by small birds and is manufactured using the no grind process for a coarser and more attractive appearance Feed Showbird Breeder MP ad lib. from point of lay (approximately 18 weeks of age). Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material. DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 17.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 8.0% Calcium (min) 4.2% Linoleic Acid (min) 1.5% Salt (max added) 0.3% Chick Starter A highly nutritious food formulated to be fed to day old layer chicks to 6 weeks of age The diet is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals to ensure strong and healthy early development It is manufactured in crumble form to ensure that it is easy for small birds to consume and contains a coccidiostat for the prevention of the intestinal disease coccidiosis Feed Chick Starter crumbles ad lib. to 6 weeks of age From 6 weeks of age until point of lay feed “Pullet Grower MP” or “Red Hen Pullet” ad lib. (or restrict feed if body weight control is necessary) Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed contains Lasalocid sodium for the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species Do not feed to hens producing fertile eggs or game birds other than turkeys Do not feed to camelids, horses or other equids as it may be fatal Withholding periods: Meat: Pullets & Broilers 1 day; Turkeys nil; Eggs: 14 days This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 20.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 6.0% Salt (max added) 0.35% Lasalocid Sodium 100ppm Pullet Grower MP (micro pellet) A high quality grower food formulated to be fed to developing layer pullets from 6 weeks of age until point of lay It is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals to ensure strong and healthy development Pullet Grower MP contains a high linoleic acid level of 1.3% to ensure the bird’s body reserves are high going into lay (linoleic acid is an important nutrient for the enhancement of egg size) Pullet Grower MP is manufactured in micro pellet form to ensure that they are easily consumed by young birds Lasalocid sodium is included in the diet for the treatment of the intestinal disease coccidiosis Feed “Chick Starter” crumbles ad lib. from day old to 6 weeks of age From 6 weeks of age until point of lay feed Pullet Grower MP ad lib. (or restrict feed if body weight control is necessary) Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed contains Lasalocid sodium for the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species Do not feed to hens producing fertile eggs or game birds other than turkeys. Do not feed to camelids, horses or other equids as it may be fatal Withholding periods: Meat: Pullets & Broilers 1 day; Turkeys nil; Eggs: 14 days This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material. DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 16.0% Fat (min) 2.5% Fibre (max) 10.0% Linoleic Acid (min) 1.2% Salt (max added) 0.35% Lasalocid Sodium 100 ppm Duck & Goose Starter A highly nutritious food formulated to be fed to day old ducklings and goslings to 6 weeks of age The diet is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals which are essential for strong, healthy growth, feed conversion and meat yield It is manufactured in crumble form to ensure that it is easy for small birds to consume Feed Duck & Goose Starter crumbles ad lib. to 6 weeks of age From 6 weeks of age feed “Duck & Goose Finisher” ad lib. until kill Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material. DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 20.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 6.0% Salt (max added) 0.35% Duck & Goose Finisher A highly nutritious food formulated to be fed to growing ducks and goslings from 6 weeks of age until kill The diet is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals which are essential for strong, healthy growth, feed conversion and meat yield It is manufactured in 4mm pellet form for ease of feeding and less wastage Feed “Duck & Goose Starter” crumbles ad lib. from day old to 6 weeks of age From 6 weeks of age feed Duck & Goose Finisher pellets ad lib. until kill Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal. This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 18.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 8.0% Salt (max added) 0.35% Gamebird Breeder A premium quality, high protein (22%) layer and breeder food specifically designed to maximise egg size and rate of lay in high producing birds such as Japanese quail, along with other gamebirds, laying hens, ducks, geese and turkeys Gamebird Breeder contains a high level of linoleic acid (an omega 6 fatty acid) which is an essential nutrient to maximise egg size Gamebird Breeder contains a special breeder vitamin and mineral premix to ensure good fertility, hatchability and strong, healthy chicks NO GRIND MICRO PELLETS Gamebird Breeder is made in no grind micro crumbles to aid in consumption by small birds and is manufactured using the NO GRIND process for a coarser and more attractive appearance Feed Gamebird Breeder ad lib. from point of lay Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 22.0% Fat (min) 5.0% Fibre (max) 8.0% Calcium (min) 4.2% Salt (max added) 0.3% Linoleic Acid (min) 1.7% Gamebird Maintenance A medium density food formulated to be fed to adult birds to maintain good health and condition without excessive weight gain It is suitable for all game birds and poultry that are not in production or require a high level of nutrition It is manufactured in micro pellet form to aid consumption by small birds and is balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals for health and vitality Feed Gamebird Maintenance MP ad lib. or restrict feed as required Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 15.0% Fat (min) 2.0% Fibre (max) 10.0% Salt (max added) 0.35% Gamebird Finisher MP (micro pellet) A highly nutritious growing and finishing food formulated to be fed to growing game birds such as quail, pheasants, peacocks, guinea fowl, partridge and turkeys The diet is nutritionally balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals which are essential for strong, healthy growth, feed conversion and meat yield It is manufactured in micro pellet form to aid in consumption by small birds Feed “Gamebird Starter” crumbles ad lib. from day old to 3 to 8 weeks of age (depending upon type of game bird being fed) From 3 to 8 weeks of age feed Gamebird Finisher MP ad lib Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING Gamebird Finisher MP does not contain a coccidiostat. If protection against coccidiosis is required, water medications are available through your veterinarian This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 22.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 6.0% Salt (max added) 0.35% Turkey Starter A highly nutritious food formulated to be fed to turkey poults from day old to 6 weeks of age The diet is balanced for essential nutrients such as protein, energy, vitamins and minerals to ensure strong and healthy growth It is manufactured in crumble form to ensure that it is easy for small birds to consume and contains a coccidiostat for the prevention of the intestinal disease coccidiosis Feed Turkey Starter crumbles ad lib. from day old to 6 weeks of age From 6 weeks of age feed “Meatline Starter” crumbles or “Gamebird Finisher MP” ad lib. until 12 weeks of age From 12 weeks of age feed “Meatline Finisher” pellets ad lib. until kill Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed contains Lasalocid sodium for the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species Do not feed to hens producing fertile eggs or game birds other than turkeys Do not feed to camelids, horses or other equids as it may be fatal Withholding periods: Meat: Pullets & Broilers 1 day; Turkeys nil; Eggs: 14 days This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product contains restricted animal material DO NOT FEED TO CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, DEER OR OTHER RUMINANTS Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 28.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 7.0% Salt (max added) 0.35% Lasalocid Sodium 100 ppm Scratch Mix Auntie Kate's All Grain is a great scratch mix, it contains the widest range of grains available in any layer product in Australia We recommend feeding Laymour's “Sure to Please” Layer Pellets as the staple diet for your flock, this is in addition to the scratch mix Scratch Mix should not be your chickens staple diet, it should only be fed as a treat and given as a handful in the afternoons, vary the quantity depending on the size of your flock By feeding scratch mix in the afternoon means your chickens won’t be full on something which doesn’t contain enough protein hence, it should be given in the afternoon, like a child would have ice cream after their main meal. Throughout the day let them fill up on layer pellets with the right amount of protein to keep them producing eggs Auntie Kate’s DOES NOT USE RESTRICTED ANIMAL MATERIAL Red Hen Free Range Scratch Grain Mix A mixture of natural grains fortified with calcium and methionine. Calcium, supplied in the form of marble chips, is important for bone development and egg shell formation Red Hen Scratch is intended to be fed to free range poultry that have access to fresh pasture and are able to scratch for natural worms and bugs This is a medication and meat free diet . Ensure clean, fresh water is available at all times WARNING This feed has been manufactured specifically for animals as described, do not feed to any other species of animal This product does not contain restricted animal material INGREDIENTS Red Hen Scratch is formulated from a selection of the following ingredients: Wheat, triticale, barley, oats, peas, lupins, lentils, beans, corn, canola, sunflower, oil, fat, molasses, marble chips and methionine. Methionine is an essential amino acid required for growth, egg size and rate of lay Analysis (as fed) Protein (min) 12.0% Fat (min) 3.0% Fibre (max) 8.0% Calcium (min) 1.0%


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